Forbes reviews “Lessons Learned: Stories from Women in Medical Management”
In 2012, Ann Marie Slaughter’s piece in The Atlantic titled “Why Women Still Can’t Have it All” instantly went viral with over 2 million online readers and got everybody talking. Last month was Women’s History Month celebrating the 50 year anniversary of Betty Friedan’s “Feminine Mystique” and the rolling out of Sheryl Sandberg’s new book urging women to “lean in”, along with the controversy over Marissa Mayer’s, CEO of Yahoo, memo about not allowing anymore telecommuting at her company.
All this has brought renewed attention to the issue of women as leaders- not only from mainstream media- but also on social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin.
In Deborah Shlian’s new book “Lessons Learned: Stories from Women in Medical Management” 24 exceptional women physicians who are leaders in healthcare share their personal stories including the obstacles they have faced in their career journeys including the challenge of balancing their work and personal lives.
Forbes has not only given the book a great review, but George Anders, the reviewer posted this on Facebook:
“Here’s a book pairing that intrigues me. For a sense of what women can achieve at the very highest levels of business, and how to get there, there’s nothing likeSheryl Sandberg’s acclaimed new book, “Lean In.” For a grass-roots perspective of all the opportunities and juggling involved with those first few steps up the management ladder, try this intriguing new book about female doctors, edited by Deborah Shlian. I just finished it and give it a thumbs-up on .”So here’s hoping you will take the reviewer’s suggestion and read both books! Here’s a link to Amazon. “Lessons Learned” is available in print and as an eBook.
April 14, 2013 @ 1:15 pm
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