An Allegory for our Time
On January 26, 2020, I blogged about the fact that the Chinese New Year had begun with the emergence of a novel virus in Wuhan. In less than 3 months, from a handful of cases, the Corona virus has now traveled around the world, infecting over half a million Americans, killing over 10,000 of us.
As we watched the numbers of victims grow, it’s become clear that we are all vulnerable – whether asymptomatic carriers or patients who may or may not survive once infected.
Could there be a silver lining to the fact that we are facing a common enemy? Before this pandemic, too many of us identified as being on the Red or Blue team, refusing to communicate across the ideological divide, closing minds to the views of fellow citizens. Hate was palpable on social media and cable stations.
But now as the virus has spread to very single state in our country, we hear more and more stories about neighbors who once disagreed bitterly over politics reaching out to help one another, offering assistance with food delivery, sharing information about home schooling, discussing ways to safely support their communities and more.
Isn’t it time that we rediscover our better selves? Through kindness, honesty and mutual respect, we can come through this tough time. Together we will thrive!
If you agree with this sentiment, you might enjoy what started out as simply a children’s story, but is actually an allegory. It’s titled Desi for President by Cathy Rogers and me. This is the essence of the story:
Not long ago, Desi was a sad pup in a shelter, longing for a forever family. Now he lives in a warm home with people who love him. But as the election for the leader of the USA nears, Desi is concerned about the dissension he sees all around him.
Can’t we all just get along he wonders. After discussing with Lucy and close friends, he makes a decision that some tell him is downright crazy. Can a dog run for President? Desi is determined to try.

Note: All proceeds from sales of this book will be donated to animal shelters and rescue organizations. To help find homes forgets in need.